Power Management Products & Solutions

Simplifying Power Protection Solution

Date: October 15, 2012 Category: ,


This is the age of accelerating technology. Various new innovative and advance technology products are coming up all around us. They all need reliable and stable Electricity something which is rare today in Pakistan. That is why reliable and high-quality power supplies are significant factors we should take seriously if we want our daily work to proceed smoothly.

FPM SOLUTIONS, A Division of First Paramount Modaraba, is a reliable and trusted provider of complete and professional Power Management Solutions. We are a group of highly skilled professionals working together. Our solutions are designed based on proven tested load sharing and load shedding philosophies that help our customers achieve a reliable and stable energy supply, and furthermore utilizing assets more effectively and efficiently. With our nationwide chain of offices, we at FPM Solutions also understand how geographical diversity affects system reliability. Our regional teams understand the importance of local needs and deliver solutions customized to local requirements making FPM the ideal choice as a “Power Management partner”.

UPS Products


1-10KVA                     APC              USA              Single Phase            double conversion online & line Interactive

10KVA and Above    APC              USA              Three Phase             double conversion online & line Interactive

1-10KVA                     Powsma       Taiwan         Single Phase            double conversion online & line Interactive

10KVA and Above    Powsma       Taiwan         Three Phase             double conversion online & line Interactive


Batteries Products


Dry Battery              12V-5AH to 200AH              Powsma                     Taiwan

Dry Battery              12V-5ah to 200Ah               Power Sonic             USA

Dry Battery              12V-5ah to 150Ah               Long/Leoch               China




Phase Sequencer controller

Electrical /Power cabling

ATS Panel